Compare Emotional Fitness with Emotional Intelligence

If we compare Emotional Fitness with Emotional Intelligence what is the difference? Emotional Fitness is a newer term. Many people know about Emotional Intelligence, yet Emotional Fitness a subset of the broader category of Emotional Intelligence. As explained in the...

What is Emotional Fitness and a personal tennis story

Emotional Fitness refers to our ability to fully understand and use our emotional capacity to achieve high-performance. Like a muscle, our emotions only support us if we use them. Hence good Emotional Fitness refers to being fully aware and in-tune emotionally, able...

Interesting TVNZ program about Anxiety in Young People

Great informativeTVNZ program on how anxiety is growing in our youth and some great things that are being done to address it. Anxiety is a natural human reaction which most people experience at some point, yet normally people refer to anxiety as when it is an anxiety...

Fear and Huge Self Doubt in Rugby

After only creating the site about a week ago, it is time to start talking about my often sad emotional fitness journey. Sport has always been the great barometer of performance for me and my inner game with my huge hidden away self doubt. For so long self doubt has...