Self Esteem & Unconscious Programming

True Self Esteem and Human Performance

The challenge to build true emotional esteem, to feel on track and achieve all-natural occurring human desires is to live in the now, to be present in all aspects of life. Being present is not overthinking the future or dwelling on the past. The past is education, any problem or challenge can be viewed as education, evolving one’s path, to learn and change. This way we can remove the negative association with past events, be more present.

Being fully present is about observing events without extreme emotional reactions. This is the power of the present, without judgment. It is the mind that judges, but the heart senses and feels. Hence the power of the present is to be open emotionally, to awaken all the senses, rather than be stuck in the head.

The source that creates our future events in life is our unconscious programming, which is significantly influenced by our emotions, the emotional body. Referred to interchangeably as the unconscious or emotional source. The emotional body contains our pain body; both are filters influencing our thoughts and feelings. This is the source of separation, which when opened is the connector to all that ever is.

Our unconscious source determines our ability to be present and achieve success in any aspect of life. Our level of comfort or confidence in anything we do is heavily influenced by our unconscious source. By understanding how this process works, we can more positively grow our self-esteem and influence our own motivation, energy and success.

Our mind is like a projector screen of our unconscious source. This unconscious source is the origin of our blocks and limiting beliefs. If a person can be described as a negative person, then their unconscious source is likely to be loaded with negative stuff. A large pain body of unresolved issues, which we call emotional blocks and unmet needs, create negativity, which can often manifest in health issues over time. Another example is when we are stressed, this can be caused by loads of unconscious triggers, our emotional blocks.

By understanding the four Emotional Fitness Workouts, we can consciously grow our Emotional Fitness, understand who we are, and how we choose to react, we may decide to be a victim or to take responsibility for our destiny. Each person decides their state. Some choose to release emotional baggage, to unlock the path to greater self-esteem, opening up a more awakened, more present, and conscious high-performance state. We all decide our future, most people unconsciously as they may not know any other way.

True happiness is created at our unconscious source and is reflected in our level of emotional fitness. A core focus is to observe our thoughts and emotions, knowing they are not us but a reaction within us. We all have a choice, to be present in each moment. We can better decide our future focus, be it anger, sadness or happiness. We can stay and dwell on things from within that negative state or do an Emotional Fitness Workout is to clear the source through utilising the power of Emotion Unblocking (Emotional Clearing).

It is very important to get support by talking to others about emotions as they occur. Always seek help from health professionals if you are feeling negative emotions occur. Also, check with your doctor before doing any Emotional Unblocking to ensure the information on this site is suitable for you.

The Emotion Fitness Workouts were developed by Rob Robertson over more than 10 years of study and research in this field of emotional fitness. The following video is a practise talk of some of his new content in 2015, when for the first time in public he shares his journey around emotions, moving from head to heart.

If you have any questions, please contact Robert C Robertson on +64 21 367 411 or via his blog

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323 Smyth Road

Dome Forest NZ 0910


+64 21 367 411
