
How to go beyond your personal best, into the peak-performance state of “flow.”

Why Emotional Fitness?

Life is made up of many emotions, yet many people judge them as good and bad emotions. Without fully understanding that all emotions can be valuable if we know how to use negative emotions as opportunities for growth.

True freedom is being able to feel and express all emotions. The tools so we don’t need to hide and suppress negative emotions. Our Emotional Fitness is a significant influence in creating the events that occur in life, as our emotions and emotional programming are a major influence in creating the thoughts we think.

Emotional Fitness Definition

Emotional Fitness refers to the level of our ability to feel, sense and trust the full spectrum of emotions. Knowing how to not judge emotions as good or bad due to the tools to benefit from negative emotions. This helps us to more efficiently create the circumstances, success and ‘flow’ we desire in life.

As our emotions and emotional programming, hence Emotional Fitness, heavily influence the type of thoughts we create. This also determines how naturally we can attract the circumstances in life and business we desire.

Like a muscle, our emotions only support us if we use them. Hence good Emotional Fitness refers to our ability to be aware and in-tune emotionally, able to understand and feel the full array of emotions. Not just being positive, able to handle and beneficially use negative emotions, rather than suppress them.

A key outcome of good Emotional Fitness is that it forms the foundation of healthy self-esteem. Self-esteem can be defined as being made up of head esteem and emotional esteem.

If we look at emotional esteem, which starts as a child, many people are taught to not validate feelings, so we suppress emotions causing a void of hidden blocked emotions that are our unconscious triggers. These mostly are hidden but can show up as anger, sadness, anxiety, depression, PTSD and many negative other emotions that reduce self-esteem.

Emotional Fitness Outcomes

Good Emotional Fitness is the natural flow of desires, spontaneously becoming reality, which is also known as “flow.” Often our emotions move between being blocked in fear and the much more desired peak-performance state of “flow.”

By comparison, an average person is more likely to be in a state of fear, rather than “flow.” Fear is when our “stuff” gets in the road, often unconscious self-sabotage blocks us from achieving our true desires. This could be a high percentage of the population, which we could say are emotionally unfit. This is often shown as repeat non-desired patterns occurring in life and business, shown in relationships, financial situations, or in sport under pressure.

Our level of Emotional Fitness determines our mental state, our mindset due to our emotional “stuff” which for most people is unconscious, having a significant influence on determining our feelings which in turn create our thoughts and mental activity.

What drives Emotional Fitness?

Emotions are a universal force influencing everything that is happening in the world. Emotions drive behaviour, hence either create or stall action. The two ends of the emotional spectrum driving behaviour are fear and passion. With passion being the more connected inspired motivation of “flow.”

Like a muscle, our emotional capacity is dependant on use. If we don’t use a muscle then we have limited support from it. Emotions are the same, if we don’t understand and use them we lack support in the critical emotional aspect of life. For example, often society teaches us we need to be positive and happy all the time. Therefore if we are only comfortable with positive emotions, then we have limited emotional fitness, a limited range of expression. We are then more likely to disown our shadow, which are the suppressed aspects hidden away that actually help to determine our future reality.

Why improve our Emotional Fitness?

One reason to improve our Emotional Fitness is to ensure we get everything we desire more easily. By developing greater Emotional Fitness, we also become more fulfilled, passionate, healthy, connected and able to more consistently perform at our peak in all aspects of business, sport and life.

Increased satisfaction and enhanced peak performance are the more obvious individual indicators of good Emotional Fitness, yet collectively within a group or team, individual Emotional Fitness can be magnified, providing an exponential influence or coherence, to enhance or sabotage the team culture.

Learn more about doing an Emotional Fitness Workout, by visiting this page, Emotional Fitness Workout.

For more details on how to apply Emotional Fitness for teams, in sport and leadership, please visit Rob Robertson’s site at


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+64 21 367 411

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